Since the last “News from the board” many things happened…however the global situation has not slowed down our activities and  our fantastic group of dedicated volunteers has been very busy with all the goals we are pursuing. The board, advisors and several other invited members of KCORC met online on April 4th, April 14th and May 13th.

Among the various activities we are pursuing and managing, the organization of the ORC 2021 conference stands out. The organizing committee, led by our Christoph Wieland is making good progress and we can anticipate that the results of their efforts will please our community very much, without spoiling the surprise of what the outcome will be. In that respect, we are also laying down the foundation of how the conference will be managed by KCORC from now on, given that we have now a more formal framework to abide to.

We have also completed all the formalities for the Best Paper award of our ORC 2019, and the winners have been announced and notified. Have a look at! Soon we will also update the pages of this website in order to better archive the information about all the winners of this recognition of our community.

Finally, I am happy to share that the activities of our Thermal Energy Harvesting Advocacy Group (TEHAG) are fervent and the first draft of our positioning paper titled Thermal Energy Harvesting: The Path to Tapping into a Large CO2-free European Power Source is almost ready. Stay tuned, because we will announce several important initiatives once we are ready.

I wish all the best to all the members of our community in these challenging times,

Piero Colonna
KCORC Board Chairman