News from the latest board meeting:

  • The ORC2021 conference in Munich will be a virtual conference. The call for abstracts is now closed and we are happy that more than 140 abstracts have been handed in. Please visit the conference website for the latest news
  • KCORC is registered in the EU Transparency register as a not-for-profit interest group. This has allowed us to actively take part in the creation of CETTIR (Clean Energy Transition – Technologies and Innovations Report)
  • Specifically, the EU SET(Strategic Energy Technology) Plan Action 6 “Energy efficiency in Industry” has required very active participation and significant input by KCORC, such as reviews, negotiations, and expert clarifications.  We have been deeply involved in the revisions of the sections “Steel sector”, “Chemicals sector”, “Heat and cold recovery” and “System integration”.
  • The SET Plan Action 6 Implementation Activities section 5 contains funding criteria for R&D related to ORC, sCCO2, hybrid cycles, Heat Pumps and Refrigeration, etc.
  • New sponsorship deals have been worked out for the conference ORC2021. KCORC urges all members to promote this within their own organisation.
  • The ORC track of the Gas Turbine Segment of ASME has been integrated into the “Cycle innovations” Committee of the same institution. This is effective as of April 2021, thus including ASME Turbo Expo 2021.

Stockholm March 26, 2021

Henrik Öhman

Chairman of the KCORC Board