Latest news from the KCORC board:

  • Prof. David Sánchez, Chairman of the Board of KCORC, invited to participate in a webinar on Spanish perspectives on the renewable heating and cooling market organised by the European Heat Pump Association. The event will take place on November 23rd, 2023. More info in the next weeks.
  • The Thermal Energy Harvesting Working Group of KCORC is working on an updated version of their White Paper on thermal energy harvesting in industry. Check the current paper here.
  • KCORC’s call for scholarships now OPEN! These are competitive scholarships for students and researchers to pursue R&D projects in the field of ORC technology. Take advantage of this opportunity to make an impact on the development and/or deployment of ORC technology. More information here.
  • Call for volunteers: KCORC is a volunteer-based organisation, currently developing an intense activity on different fronts. If you should like to join us in this exciting quest for sustainability, let us know at